
Alejandra Gottelli: “We must be at the service of the materials we extract from nature”

Alejandra stands out from the first moment when, to introduce herself, she states: “I’m a conservationist who uses textile design as a vehicle for creating a more just world for all the life-forms that inhabit it.” The creator of Cubreme is an artist, teacher, and activist with the determination of someone who believes in her […]

Alejandra Gottelli: “We must be at the service of the materials we extract from nature” Read More »

The Story of Coruja, an Argentine Company That Produces Natural Fiber Yarn, Promoting Regenerative and Wildlife Friendly Management

Because of an unexpected family situation, the founders gained an interest in the world of textiles and created their own brand, which includes a line of Wildlife FriendlyTM certified fibers. According to their experience in the industry, this feature is increasingly valued in the national as well as international market. Triana, the eldest daughter of

The Story of Coruja, an Argentine Company That Produces Natural Fiber Yarn, Promoting Regenerative and Wildlife Friendly Management Read More »

Live-Shearing of Wild Guanacos Carried Out to Promote Coexistence with Sheep Farming

In Santa Cruz Province, 165 wild guanacos were sheared following high standards of animal welfare, producing 57 kg of high-quality fiber for commercial use. WCS Argentina spearheaded the initiative along with producers, provincial government agencies, and the federal research agency CONICET to promote alternative management strategies for the species that contribute to the regional economy

Live-Shearing of Wild Guanacos Carried Out to Promote Coexistence with Sheep Farming Read More »

Sustainable Textile Production Workshops Carried Out at Laura Vicuña Technical School

More than 140 participants in Junín de los Andes, including teachers and students, took part in workshops about the ties between textile products and nature. The program was organized by WCS Argentina and included designer Maria Zolezzi, internationally recognized for using “Wildlife Friendly” natural fibers in her collections. May, Junín de los Andes – Between

Sustainable Textile Production Workshops Carried Out at Laura Vicuña Technical School Read More »

Coverage of María Zolezzi – MAYDI

“The world is finding other ways to produce and consume” The calm, simplicity, and elegance that characterize María Zolezzi’s work also describe her speech as she shares her story, her projects, and her identification with natural fibers, sustainability, and environmental conservation. Immediately after her return from presenting her winter collection in Paris and Tokyo, we

Coverage of María Zolezzi – MAYDI Read More »

By Adopting Wildlife-Friendly and Land-Friendly Techniques, Producers from Zapala Improved Their Sales of Merino Wool

Since the international Wildlife Friendly™ certification granted in the country by WCS Argentina, the production of this fiber increased its market value by 15%. This endorsement is a result of the implementation of livestock practices that promote coexistence with wildlife in the Patagonian steppe and carry out regenerative use of soils. The process is supported

By Adopting Wildlife-Friendly and Land-Friendly Techniques, Producers from Zapala Improved Their Sales of Merino Wool Read More »

Cuarenta años conservando las migraciones de guanacos en Patagonia norte

Los relevamientos de guanacos realizados por WCS Argentina y el Centro de Ecología Aplicada de Neuquén (CEAN) en la zona centro-sur de Neuquén indicaron una declinación de 50% respecto a datos relevados 20 años atrás. La evaluación de las tendencias de este herbívoro nativo dominante en el área, en el contexto regional, genera datos necesarios

Cuarenta años conservando las migraciones de guanacos en Patagonia norte Read More »

Más productores son reconocidos por sus prácticas amigables con la fauna silvestre

Otorgamos 21 nuevas certificaciones Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network™ (WFEN) a productores de fibras Mohair y Merino comprometidos en la implementación de prácticas ganaderas amigables con la biodiversidad en la estepa patagónica. La entrega de certificados se realizó durante la 13° Feria Integral de la Producción de Zapala celebrada en la localidad neuquina a mediados de

Más productores son reconocidos por sus prácticas amigables con la fauna silvestre Read More »

Resultados alentadores y más presencia de perros protectores de ganado para la conservación en la estepa patagónica

Una nueva camada de perros protectores de ganado fue entregada a crianceros ovinos y caprinos de Mendoza y Neuquén, por parte de Wildlife Conservation Society Argentina y Alianza Gato Andino. Su presencia resulta ser una de las estrategias más efectivas para disminuir la depredación de ganado por parte de carnívoros silvestres y promover la coexistencia en

Resultados alentadores y más presencia de perros protectores de ganado para la conservación en la estepa patagónica Read More »

Pequeños productores de fibras reciben certificación por sus prácticas amigables con el ambiente

Doce productores ovinos y caprinos de Neuquén recibieron por parte de WCS Argentina la certificación internacional Wildlife Friendly™ (WFEN) en reconocimiento a sus esfuerzos para promover la coexistencia con la fauna nativa de la estepa patagónica mediante el manejo sustentable de su producción.  Cristina García, una de las mujeres productoras de caprinos y ovinos de cercanías del

Pequeños productores de fibras reciben certificación por sus prácticas amigables con el ambiente Read More »

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